Twelve travelling Teaspoons…..
… these spoons are from many different countries, and were the personal collection of famous Australian, Dame Mabel Brookes.

…Eleven Saucers Flying…
Cups & Saucers, that is…..! A lovely selection from Moorabool’s extensive stock

….Ten Chairs just sitting…
From 17th – 20th century, here’s a sample of our amazing variety of chars @ Moorabool.

…Nine Paintings Hanging…
Some special characters, including Jean Baptiste Perronneau (1716-83), Francis Cotes RA (1726-1770)

… Eight Ancient Artefacts…
Some fascinating ancient items including Indus Valley Culture 6,000 years old, Danubian Greek, South Italian Greek, and a lovely Tribal piece at the back – a canoe splashboard from the Solomon Islands.

Seven Censors Smoking…
Some Chinese bronze censors in various forms, 17th-18th century, plus a remarkable Japanese 19th century example.

…Six Lords a’hanging…
Personal Silhouettes, each with a story to tell… the Instagram of the 18th century!

….Five… Wedgwood Plaques.
Small Jasperware plaques, mostly 19th century

Four Kandy Elephants,
From Kandy, Sri Lanka, where they parade through the streets…. earlier 20th century

Three Frog Mugs,
Staffordshire Pottery – and all three frogs are in the large central one, circa 1860!

Two steamy teapots,
left: Old Sheffield Plate c.1820. right: Austrian c.1900

… and a Peacock in a Topiary ….
Minton, circa 1835