In light of the current situation gripping the World…. Moorabool is closing our physical shopfront and concentrating on this website.
Moorabool wishes all customers the best of health, and please take care out there.
We are still functioning behind the scenes, manning our website, and our postal system will continue, although naturally not as quick as usual.
If you are buying/selling, we are available by email, facetime, or telephone; our website is monitored, so please feel free to continue on as ‘usual’ as possible in this rapidly changing world….
As soon as we are ‘free’ of this invisible menace, we will have some exciting events to promote – having used all this down-time to prepare!
Sincere best wishes, from John Rosenberg, Paul Rosenberg, Alard Pett, Lindsay Wilson, and all @ Moorabool Antiques, Geelong.

Illustrated here is Florence Nightingale & friends practicing ‘Social Distancing’ …. She was of course responsible (in the 1850’s) for the very first idea of how to contain a disease as it spread…. she would approve whole-heartedly of the incredible response our Governments are undertaking to tackle this age-defining catastrophe that is currently unfolding….