The Qajar Dynasty, or the ‘Persian’ Empire , controlled parts the area of present day countries Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan, as well as the southern parts of Georgia.
The Qajars ruled from 1779 to 1924, coming from Astarabad, south-east of the Caspian Sea. Under the Qajars the capital of Persia was moved to Tehran.
They were very highly educated, and proud of the past history of their lands. As a result, their artforms incorporate historical details of a number of earlier cultures, such as the Mesopotamian civilizations. As an islamic nation, they were Shia, which allowed the portrayal of the human image.
Their technology followed the ancient methods in ceramics, such as Iznik pottery – but were also eager to embrace the western technological advances such as railroads. A university opened in Tehran in 1851.
The major powers of the 19th century – Britain, America, and Russia – all manipulated the rulers and the region, and a series of disruptive interventions and revolutions caused the destruction of the dynasty in 1924.