Today we have a varied selection for you to browse.
There’s a group of Georgian & Victorian furniture including an Australian Cedar desk and a George III Mahogany chest-of-drawers – both very useful and decorative at the same time.

There’s an interesting selection of ceramics, including a rare pair of Mason’s Ironstone vases, and a Mason’s table service that would be fun to use.

Always in demand & hard to find, we are pleased to have a selection of Whiskey decanters- or which ever spirit you choose to put in them! We always have plenty of round examples, but square decanters don’t stay in stock very long, they are in high demand.

Not quite as useful, but very decorative are several Ruby & a Blue flash decanters from the 1880’s. There’s also a rare perfect condition Ruby glass candlestick – rare because getting the candle stub out inevitably led to damage to the fragile glass.
Lots more to see, and many more exciting items in the next while, including quality Chinese & Asian, 18th Century British & Continental Ceramics, and a cheerful collection of Staffordshire Figures.
The Latest Stock
Mason’s Ironstone service, ‘Fenton Stone Works’ pattern 1367, c.1840$1,250.00 AUD
Bohemian porcelain teapot, Knight crest & ‘GC’, c. 1880$55.00 AUD
Bohemian porcelain milk jug, Knight crest & ‘AB’, c. 1880$45.00 AUD
Pair of Hancock & Sons ‘Corona Ware’ vases with Chinoiserie prints, c.1920$395.00 AUD
Rare Masons Ironstone twin-handled vases, clobbered Chinoiserie scenes & cobalt with insects, c.1830$695.00 AUD
Pair of Coalbrookdale style bottle shape vases & covers, C 1830$580.00 AUD
Wileman Fenton ‘Flora’ pattern dinner set in brown, c.1880$280.00 AUD
French hardpaste copy of a ‘Derby’ deer candlestick, late 19th century$345.00 AUD
Georgian Copper Coffeepot, C.1800$580.00 AUD
Victorian Copper Kettle with opaque glass handle, c.1850$95.00 AUD
Victorian Copper Kettle, elegant handle, c. 1870$185.00 AUD
Arts & Crafts oak hanging shelf, C. 1900Sold
Oil painting ‘The Grand Canal’, after Turner, hand carved Venetian gilt wood frame, 20th C.$640.00 AUD
Small Staffordshire spaniel, red spotted, c. 1870Sold
Green Glass round fishing float, C .1900Sold
Handsome Victorian square Whiskey decanter, mushroom stopper, c. 1860$595.00 AUD
Quality hand-cut whiskey decanter, hobnail pattern, late 19th century$485.00 AUD
Quality hand-cut whiskey decanter, hobnail pattern, late 19th century$425.00 AUD
Quality hand-cut whiskey decanter, hobnail pattern, late 19th century$425.00 AUD
Quality hand-cut Whiskey Decanter, plain sides, late 19th centurySold
Georgian ring-neck decanter with mushroom stopper, C. 1820$380.00 AUD
Victorian blue flash engraved decanter, C.1875$280.00 AUD
Pair of Ruby Flash grapevine engraved decanters, c. 1870$580.00 AUD
Pair of Ruby Flash engraved decanters, C.1875$520.00 AUD
Large Victorian Ruby Glass candlestick, c. 1900$265.00 AUD
Bohemian ruby overlay heavy goblet, enameled flowers, c. 1870$195.00 AUD
Victorian oval mirror, gilt frame, C.1870$280.00 AUD
Handsome Mahogany George III chest of drawers with original knobs, c.1790$1,250.00 AUD
Petite Australian Cedar pedestal desk with leather top, circa 1870$680.00 AUD
George III mahogany dressing mirror, C. 1795$680.00 AUD
Porcelain rose brooch on silver bar, C.1930$35.00 AUD
Early Victorian horn + pearlshell inlay brooch C. 1840$125.00 AUD
Small gilt metal circular portrait brooch, C.1900$45.00 AUD
Ronald R Fletcher, Fisherman & Stormclouds, oil on board c. 1955Sold
French hardpaste copy of a ‘Chelsea’ Sheep, earlier 20th centurySold
French hardpaste copies of ‘Chelsea’ dogs, earlier 20th centurySold