David Roberts oil, “The Round Tower of Oberwesel-on-the-Rhine” signed & dated 1829, Fresh Discovery.

$8,600.00 AUD

David Roberts R.A., R.B.A. (1796-1864)
The Round Tower of Oberwesel-on-the-Rhine
Oil on Board, in original frame

SIgned & dated 1829, lower right.

Old Catalogue entry pasted to the back:

14. Oil Painting” “The Round Tower of Oberwesel-on-the-Rhine” (1829)

A Scottish Painter, born in Edinburgh , 1796, who attained great eminence as an architectural painter. This example represents him in his middle period, which is considered to he his best ….. (He is) … represented by many pictures in the National Gallery London, South Kensington, Melbourne, and Edinburgh National Galleries. Died in 1864″

Also old partial label in ink (Robert’s own hand?) reading:

“Round Tower of Oberwesel on
the Rhine. between …obleuty and… ….(?)
by D R 1829”

frame 290x340mm; work 139x201mm

Condition: panel has top left corner missing (hidden by original frame), surface with some old varnish, displays well; original frame with some signs of age & small repairs.


This is an important discovery by one of the most prominent and influential artists of the earlier 19th century in England. There is no record of this work in the literature, unless we go back to the period: there we find evidence that this is one of David Robert’s earliest commercial successes.
This oil has details that prove it is the origin of an engraving of the same scene by Roberts, published in “The Literary Souvenir” – engraved in 1831, published 1832.

While there is a watercolour slightly earlier, several details appear only in this oil and in the engraving, not the later watercolours and prints. The earlier watercolour is quite probably one executed as Roberts travelled in 1828; the oil was then created in his studio back in England, using the watercolour as reference. In fact, there is evidence the oil was done as a special commission:

In an article titled “The Annuals of Former Years” published in “The Bookseller” December 24, 1858, the high prices paid by “The Literary Souvenir” for scenes are referred to, including “… one hundred and fifty guineas… was paid for .. the “Oberwesel” of David Roberts, by Goodall, executed for this work.” This was an impressive amount of money!

—excerpt from an in-depth study of this work, to be published on our moorabool.com blog – request a copy.




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