Liverpool creamware punchbowl, mottos, ships, hope, and Success to the Barley Mough, c.1800

$540.00 AUD

Liverpool large punch bowl, printed with four external features and a large internal print, the sides with a ship, then the motto -Long may we live/ Happy may we be/ Blest with content/ and from Misfortunes free- then hope leaning on an anchor gazing as a ship departs, lastly the motto -My Love is fixd/ I cannot range/ I like my Choice/ too well to change- , the interior with a print of farmers by a haystack, known as -Success to the Barley Mough-, the borders with four highly detailed trophy groups including navigational aids, Neptune crown & trident, ships rudders, and sails.
Unmarked, Circa 1800

23cm wide, 11cm high
star crack near foot, rim bruised, slight staining, bat prints faded

Label on base states- ‘1798 / HARVEST CELEB / see jug 166 / made in Liverpool / NCS Exhibit 1993’




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