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Derby ‘Adolescent Seasons’

Moorabool has a fascinating group of Derby ‘Seasons’, modelled as children with their respective attributes.

left to right: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Summer, Spring. We have no Winter….

They make for an interesting study, and show the development of the classic rococo-based Derby figures of the latter 18th century.

'Summer', Pale Family type, ref. Bradshaw 'Derby Figures' p72.

The earliest version appears during the mid-1750’s, belonging to a group of distinctly modelled figures that are often decorated in a muted pallet of colours, known as the ‘pale-family’. These appear with a flat slab base, and the modelling is a little stiff. Note this example has lost his hand & the wheat he holds in it.

Circa 1756

‘Summer’, Pale Family type, 1756-59. ref. Bradshaw ‘Derby Figures’ p72.

This example, in stock at Moorabool, is late in the ‘Pale Family’ period, or the very beginning of the next period, the ‘Patch Mark’ period, c. 1759-69. The base has an early, rarely-seen rococo scroll moulding, of quite flat form without piercing. The colours are the type used in the 1760’s.

Circa 1760

See this item >

This example, also in stock at Moorabool, shows the latter 18th century style of Rococo scroll base, with scrolls forming feet on which it rests, and a pierced panel to the center.

This boy is representing ‘Spring’, with a garland of flowers.

Circa 1770

See this item (paired with a contemporary ‘Summer’) >

This example, also in stock at Moorabool, shows the latter Rococo scroll base, with scrolls forming feet on which it rests, and a pierced panel to the center.

Once again ‘Spring’, with a garland of flowers. Interestingly, he is not recorded in Bradshaw (Derby Figures), who has only a set of 4 ‘Adolescent Seasons’ listed that are all girls; these boys appear in the earlier sets and were obviously continued into the latter 18th century – it’s a puzzle why he has failed to record them.

Circa 1780

See this item (paired with a contemporary ‘Summer’) >

Of course, other factories were actively making ‘Seasons’, with a particularly lovely ‘Spring’ by Bow being a recent addition to’s stock:

Bow figure of ‘Spring’, with distinct blue enamels, c. 1765. See her here>

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