With Christmas fast approaching we have some great gift ideas for everyone.
Moorabool has been selling Antiques as Christmas Gifts for over 60 years…

Looking for something ‘Unique’? We can provide that!
Antiques and fossils make great gift for the person who has everything. Today’s Fresh Stock has a terrific range to consider. All the ancient pieces & fossils come with a Certificate of Authenticity & Description explaining what they are.
Tang model of a dog 8th century AD$365.00 AUD
Tang dynasty rooster, 8th C AD$295.00 AUD
Tang dynasty bird model 8th c AD$285.00 AUD
Fossil Trilobite Phacops africanus, Devonian period 400,000,000 years old$65.00 AUD
Eyptian shabti figure, red clay with blue pigment, New Kingdom, Ramesside, C.1279-1213BC$365.00 AUD
Eyptian shabti figure, red clay with blue pigment, New Kingdom, Ramesside, C.1279-1213BC$365.00 AUD
English porcelain plate, soft turquoise ground, flowers & butterflies, c. 1875$125.00 AUD
English porcelain plate, soft turquoise ground, flowers & butterflies, c. 1875$125.00 AUD
Staffordshire porcelain cake plate gilt decoration C.1860$45.00 AUD
Bohemian Jugendstil glass tankard with ruby ribs, c.1910$65.00 AUD
French cup & saucer, with yellow flower sprays C.1880$95.00 AUD
Meissen outside decorated plate, colourful fruit and flowers C.1880$165.00 AUD
Amethyst Hand blown glass tumbler with thick base, C. 1890$45.00 AUD
Mid Victorian brass candle snuffer tray, C.1860$45.00 AUD
Moore Bros. vase, cactus with flowers, c. 1880$260.00 AUD
Victorian pottery toothpaste box with hand painted fern pattern, c. 1870$85.00 AUD
Roman bronze fibula, 2nd – 3rd century AD$245.00 AUD
Bronze harpoon head, Egyptian, Late period , 8th-5th Century BC$365.00 AUD
Chinese Bronze ‘boy’ pendant, Han Dynasty$465.00 AUD
Ancient Persian bronze bird finial hairpin, 5th – 3rd C BCSold
Roman bronze pin, thistle end, London find 2nd-3rd century AD$365.00 AUD
Staffordshire porcelain group of shepherd & sheep, c.1825$580.00 AUD
Staffordshire figure of the young Princess Royal (Victoria) riding a goat, C.1865$195.00 AUD
Victorian Ruby Glass decanter with faceted stopper, c. 1890$125.00 AUD
Ridgeway Plate, finely painted with figure in landscape, Circa 1820$225.00 AUD