Welcome to another ‘Fresh Stock’ release from Moorabool.
There’s a large number of pieces being posted onto Moorabool.com, with some super rare pieces appearing in these last weeks of 2022.
Prices are ‘tempting’….. with plenty under $50, and under $100.
Here’s a selection of 18th & 19th century ‘FRESH’ pieces.
Early Staffordshire figure of ‘Water’, attr. Enoch Wood c. 1785$580.00 AUD
Black Basalt milk jug, engine turning, c. 1795$65.00 AUD
Staffordshire redware milk jug , flower & scroll sprigs, c. 1770$645.00 AUD
Pair of Pearlware spill vases, underglaze flower sprays, c. 1780$545.00 AUD
English Pearlware plate, ‘Long Eliza’ in a garden, c. 1770$295.00 AUD
English pearlware jug with underglaze blue Chinoiserie scenes, attr. Liverpool c. 1780Sold
Child’s pagoda pattern plate, C.1830$35.00 AUD
Pearlware lozenge shaped dish, pagoda pattern C.1800$135.00 AUD
Pearlware jug, printed in blue with ‘boy on buffalo’ pattern, C.1800$265.00 AUD
English/ Dutch delft Kraak style plate, mythical animal, c.1750$295.00 AUD
Historical Flow Blue Staffordshire ‘Lafayette at Tomb of Franklin’ tea bowl, C.1825$135.00 AUD
Pearlware sweetmeat segment dish of horse-shoe shape, C.1810$85.00 AUD
Pearlware chestnut basket, pagoda pattern, C.1795Sold
Pearlware strainer, pagoda pattern C.1800$165.00 AUD
English enamel miniature vase, flowers on blue ground, c. 1790$345.00 AUD
English enamel patch box, ‘Efteem the Giver’ c. 1790Sold
Sèvres coffee can + saucer, pâte dure, flowers by Dutenda 1780Sold
English Enamel box, Flower group on lavender blue, c.1795Sold
Meissen saucer with harbour scene, elaborate cartouche & Böttger lustre, c. 1735$1,250.00 AUD
Pair of English white earthenware vases, named views, c. 1830$580.00 AUD
English enamel patch box ‘A Trifle from BUXTON’ , signed Lewis’ c.1780$490.00 AUD
Terracotta ‘water monkey’ with enameled flowers, Watcombe? c. 1865$140.00 AUD
Sterling Silver thimble, Charles Horner, Exeter, 1902Sold
Graingers Worcester plate, Semi Porcelain mark, pat.163, 1848-55$240.00 AUD
William Morris GIFTED 1st ed. Book – Poems By The Way 1891, from KELMSCOTT LIBRARY 1895Sold
Victorian rowing trophy, Oars, Tulip on ‘boater’ hat, c. 1880Sold
Wedgwood Queensware set of four side plates, c.1800$110.00 AUD
Royal Worcester cabinet plate with floral scene by WH Austin, c.1900$450.00 AUD
Brown Westhead Moore & Co cup, saucer and plate in the bamboo pattern, c.1865Sold
Minton clobbered plate with colourful floral garland border, c.1870$45.00 AUD
Royal Worcester plate with painted flower groups, c. 1885$145.00 AUD
Miniature micro-mosaic frame, Italian c. 1920$145.00 AUD
Victorian fan with American bird feather covering, c. 1870$465.00 AUD
Schiller caneware tureen+stand, chickens hatching from eggs, c. 1860$1,250.00 AUD
English composition press-moulded snuff box, tavern scene, mid 19th century$265.00 AUD
Bone China plate, floral arrangement, c1860.$140.00 AUD