Showing 1–16 of 19 results
Irish ‘Celtic’ pokerwork 7-part picture frame, Arms of Irish Provences, Belfast Pokerwork School, c. 1900
Sold#1031824-1View item -
Large bronze ‘shepherd’s crook’ pin, early Medieval period N. Europe, 10th-13th century
$585.00 AUD#1029887View item -
Bronze Pennanula Fibula with solid terminals, Northern Europe 5th-8th century AD
$395.00 AUD#1029883View item -
Bronze Pennanula Fibula with coiled terminals, Northern Europe 5th-8th century AD
$395.00 AUD#1028089-1View item -
Ancient Celtic Bronze Age spiral fitting, 10th-8th century BC
$565.00 AUD#1028835-View item -
Wearable Roman bronze fibula, Colchester type, 1st century AD
$235.00 AUD#1028815View item -
Bronze Pennanula Fibula with coiled terminals, Northern Europe 5th-8th century AD
$235.00 AUD#1028091View item -
Bronze brooch, Frankish, 8th – 10th century
Sold#1010617View item -
Ancient miniature bronze mirror, circle engraved & tinned, 2nd-1st century BC
$465.00 AUD#1028307View item -
Ancient Bronze Age Hallstatt Culture spiral armlet, Snake, 8th – 6th c. BC
$485.00 AUD#1028305View item -
Ancient bronze penannular brooch, Omega shape, Viking Baltic, circa 1000AD
Sold#1028125View item -
Romano-British bronze ‘Dolphin’ brooch, Colchester type, 1st century AD
$185.00 AUD#1028122View item -
Rare European bronze mirror, silvery surface with Spider’s Web design, 8th-10th century AD
$585.00 AUD#1028115View item -
Celtic bronze ‘birds head’ fitting, 8th – 5th century BC
$385.00 AUD#1028113View item -
European bronze ring with spiral terminals, 8th-5th century BC
$125.00 AUD#1028112View item
Showing 1–16 of 19 results