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Merry Christmas! – the Last Fresh Stock for 2023

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas….

… and this is our last ‘Fresh Stock’ for 2023. It’s been quite a year, with an amazing number of items being added to, and many finding new homes in collections all around the world.

Thank-You very much!

Late in 2023, we recieved the amazing collection of a local good customer to sell. He recalls his first purchase from a young John Rosenberg in 1964; since then, he has been a regular customer ‘through the decades’, and having never sold anything, has compiled quite a large collection!

Close-up of the amusing knop on the Rogers ‘Zebra Pattern’ supper dish below: a bemused lion!

Today you will see a selection of his blue & white on offer, and some delightful Creamwares. These were the smaller aspects of his collection; most of it is highly decorative English ceramics from the first half of the 19th century, including Worcester, Derby, Minton, Swansea, Davenport, Spode…. basically an Illustrated Encyclopaedia of British Ceramics!

Fresh to Stock: a Willow Pattern Christmas Tree!

So far we have catalogued 300 pieces: there is on estimation five times that to go, so that is quite probably approaching 2,000 pieces! Naturally to do our comprehensive identification and descriptive cataloguing we are known for takes time per piece…. so it will be a gradual release throughout 2024, in groups of similar items, periods, makers etc. Keep an eye out for our upcoming ‘Curated Collections’.

Moorabool would like to wish all our valued browsers the absolute best for this Christmas, and a Healthy & Happy New Year.
2024 will be the most exciting one in memory for Moorabool!

Paul & Glenys Rosenberg,
Moorabool Antiques, Geelong, Australia

Freshest Stock…

12 Antique Days of Christmas promo

We have a unique 12-days of ANTIQUE Christmas for you to enjoy…. featuring items sourced from our stock!

There’s a number of fun themes, always ending with the ‘Peacock in a Topiary’ .
But what could the 12th day be….? pop back in Christmas Day to see!

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