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Fresh Stock, inc. The Grand Tour, a Wedgwood ‘Egyptian’ jug, Royal Collectables, a Marble Bust & more!

Welcome to our latest ‘Fresh Stock’.
This week, it’s a great variety, with some superb rarities in the ‘Grand Tour’ section, a fascinating selection of brass & bronze items, a marble bust, and a small selection of Royal Commemoratives.


The Grand tour

The ’Grand Tour’ was the Englishman’s experience of travelling through the lands of the Ancient Roman & Greek worlds, and discovering the romance of Antiquity. It was philosophy, art, food, and culture, all very different to what was back in England – so there was naturally a desire to take some culture back as a souvenir. This could be a painting or two, or a piece of antiquity – even if it had just been made the week before….

The Grand Tourist: this fascinating watercolour by William Oliver shows the noted English artist on his ‘Grand Tour’, visiting the ruins of Hadrian’s fantastic Villa at Tivoli – resting amongst the crumbling brickwork, he is seen sketching some locals in their traditional Italian dress.
The bronze ewer below is a fine example of a ‘Grand Tour’ souvenir that was probably sold to an unsuspecting tourist… a familiar situation still confronts a tourist in many places today!

This fantastic Wedgwood rarity is also a mystery: marked ‘EGYPTIAN JUG’, it is clearly a GREEK style vessel!
It was made & marked by Wedgwood, for a Cambridge grocer, Woollard & Hattersley, one of a few examples where Wedgwood put on marks for their clients alongside their own.



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