Welcome to the latest Fresh Stock release on Moorabool.com.
This week has seen a wide variety of quality pieces entering our stock lists, from a terrific selection of Worcester Porcelain, to a range of quality Chinese items, Indian & Colonial items, and Australiana items.
There’s some rather special pieces to be seen – be sure to check out the ‘Curated Collections’ through the links below.

This beautiful hand-coloured lithograph of an Indian Prince is a rarity. It is one of 28 plates from a private publication of 1844, created for the remarkable Emily Eden, using her sketches she did while India in the 1830’s. Her brother was governor at the time, and she wrote – and sketched – extensively. Queen Victoria was a friend, and a copy of the publication is still in the Royal Collection: no doubt her interest in India was encouraged by Emily’s accounts and illustrations. While a number of monotone examples were published, the coloured version is regarded as a great rarity, with only a handful finished like this: we have two examples to offer.

The two portraits shown here are some of our exciting recent Australiana discoveries. They are husband & wife, titled ‘Sir Henry Parkes’ & ‘Lady Parkes as young girl’. The question is, which ‘Lady Parkes’ is it? Sir Henry is of course identified by the inscription to his mount – or is he…..
There’s a lot to the story of the above two influential Australians….. read more on our blog post.
Fresh Ceramics – featuring Worcester
Dr Wall Worcester tea cup & saucer, ‘Red Line’ group, c. 1765$495.00 AUD
Chamberlains Worcester plate, rich roses and gold on cobalt ground, pat.822, c.1822$540.00 AUD
Chamberlain’s Worcester bute shape cup & saucer, sepia landscape patt. 450, c. 1810$395.00 AUD
Barr Worcester plate, cobalt rim with gilt foliage , C.1795$480.00 AUD
Chamberlains Worcester plate with gadrooned rim and grey floral ground$165.00 AUD
Chamberlain’s Worcester mug, print of Worcester, c.1795-8$465.00 AUD
Grainger + Co, Worcester, breakfast cup + saucer, Ivy print, 1870-89$165.00 AUD
Worcester sparrow beak jug, 3-flowers, c.1780$480.00 AUD
Flight Barr + Barr Worcester coffee can, shells, flowers and gilt, c. 1820$185.00 AUD
Barr Flight Barr Worcester coffee can,bat-brints of flowers, c.1810$165.00 AUD
Barr Flight Barr Worcester coffee can, Vermicular gilt pattern, c. 1810$185.00 AUD
Royal Worcester green border plate, 1868$140.00 AUD
Chamberlain’s Worcester porcelain coffee can, oak leaves pat. 444, c. 1810$125.00 AUD
Royal Worcester plate, raised gilding and morning glory, date 1878$120.00 AUD
Grainger Worcester plate, oriental plants c.1835$95.00 AUD
Worcester porclain plate, gilt with flowers decoration , marked 1888$95.00 AUD
Chamberlain Worcester plate, sepia flower groups, c. 1825$85.00 AUD
Graingers Worcester plate, Semi Porcelain mark, pat.163, 1848-55$240.00 AUD
English porcelain trio, blue border and flower sprigs c.1830Sold
Grainger Worcester tureen &+ stand, C.1835$995.00 AUD
Barr Worcester Queen Charlotte pattern plate, c.1790$780.00 AUD
Worcester Teapot with exotic birds, C. 1765$1,450.00 AUD
Fresh to Stock
Mughal Indian brass charger with intricately embossed animals and foliate patterns, 19th century$580.00 AUD
Indian brass tray, elephant and floral border, C. 1900$140.00 AUD
Unusual Medical wooden ‘Human Heart’ inlay, 20th century$285.00 AUD
Rosenthal birds on a leafy mound, 20th C$45.00 AUD
English porcelain trio, handpainted with flowers, C.1840$325.00 AUD
Australian Bennetts pottery canoe vase, C.1930$125.00 AUD
Indian Bronze water monkey, mid 19th century$95.00 AUD
Indian Bronze bulbous waterpot, engraved parrot and scroll borders, 19th century$280.00 AUD
Curated Collection: Anglo-Indian
We’re beginning an Indian ‘Curated Collection’ today, featuring some super-rare early Lithographs with an interesting story to tell.
Tres Français!
Saturday 28, Sunday 29 October 2023

We have a treat for our local customers: a weekend of French food & fun, hosted at Geelong’s beautiful National Trust property, ‘The Heights’.
Moorabool is opening a genuine ‘Brocante’ – we have taken the charming Dovecote in the garden, and will have it stuffed full of interesting items to buy.

As well, Paul Rosenberg will be giving a lecture, ‘Trés Français’, taking a small audience through the wonderful influence France has had on our culture. This takes place inside the house, spaces strictly limited, so head to lefestivalfrancais.com.au if you would like to come.
Note: the funds from entry etc. go towards the actual property, a terrific fundraiser for this treasured local property.

The house will also be opening for guided tours throughout the weekend: we’re excited to be involved with this also, and Moorabool has been asked to ‘dress’ the rooms in a French theme.
Vite! …and apologies to those who live too far away: we’ll post some photos …..